Invisalign & Braces

Maligned teeth may not only look bad but may give bite and jaw problems. Pinawa dental works with orthodontists that help fix crooked teeth for patients of all ages.

What Braces & Invisalign?

Maligned teeth may not only look bad but may give occlusion problems. Pinawa helps fix crooked teeth for patients of all ages. Now if your concerned about having metal in your mouth for 18 months Invisalign is a great alternative that provides clear braces 

Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry focused on the diagnosis and treatment of dental and associated facial irregularities. The results of orthodontic treatment can be dramatic — beautiful smiles, improved dental health and an enhanced quality of life for many people of all ages. Orthodontic problems, which can result from genetic and environmental factors, must be diagnosed before treatment begins. Proper diagnosis involves taking photographs, x-rays, and dental impressions, which enable our practice to make informative decisions about the form of treatment necessary.

FAQs About This Service

Braces are a financial and time investment. We will gladly sit down with any patient interested to discuss what option is best for them.

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